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Our services for asylum seekers, refugees, and parolees include assistance with asylum applications, humanitarian parole, and temporary protected status. We help individuals navigate the process of seeking refuge and protection in the United States.

What we offer

Affirmative Asylum

We assist individuals in the U.S. in applying for asylum through the affirmative process. This involves filing form I-589 to request asylum and withholding of removal based on a well-founded fear of persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.

Defensive Asylum (Court Proceedings)
For those in removal proceedings, we provide guidance on applying for defensive asylum using form I-589, presented as a defense against removal from the United States.
Asylee Relative (Spouse and Children under 21)
We help asylees apply for their eligible relatives (spouse and children under 21) to join them in the U.S. through derivative asylum status using form I-589.
Application for a Green Card after Granted Asylum
We assist asylees in applying for permanent residency (green card) after being granted asylum by filing form I-485.
Humanitarian Parole

Our services include helping individuals apply for humanitarian parole to enter the U.S. temporarily for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit, using form I-131.

Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

We guide individuals from designated countries affected by armed conflict, environmental disasters, or other extraordinary conditions in applying for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) using form I-821.

what do you get?

Personalized Consultation
Customized Relocation Plans
Expert Guidance and Advice
Time and Stress Savings
Cultural Integration Support
24/7 Customer Support

Process of working with us

1 day

Initiate your journey with a personalized consultation. Our experts will assess your eligibility and guide you through the process. Initiate your journey with a personalized consultation. Our experts will assess your eligibility and guide you through the process.

Initiate your journey with a personalized consultation. Our experts will assess your eligibility and guide you through the process.

2 day
Document Preparation
Gather and organize the necessary documents with our guidance. We ensure all paperwork is accurate and complete to avoid any delays. Our team will review your documents meticulously to ensure they meet all the requirements.
3 day
Application Submission

Submit your application with confidence. We will handle the submission process on your behalf, ensuring that all forms are filled out correctly and submitted on time. Our experts will keep you informed about the status of your application and any additional steps required.

4 day
Interview Preparation

Prepare for your interview with the help of our experienced coaches. We provide you with detailed information on what to expect and conduct mock interviews to help you feel confident and ready. Our support ensures you are well-prepared to present your case effectively.